Sing More, Stress Less!


Sing More, Stress Less!
By: Beth Lawrence, copyright 2007

The next time you feel stressed and overwhelmed,
take a deep breath, and start singing!

Research has proven that breaking into good old-fashioned song can release ‘pleasure' hormones, called endorphins, which have been proven to reduce the harmful effects of stress on mind and body. And although bursting out with your favorite song may not always endear you to your co-workers, it's guaranteed to break the monotony in the workplace!

Doctors believe that singing is valuable aerobic exercise, encouraging better posture and deeper breathing. Using singing as a therapy for relaxation, overcoming depression and anxiety, and even treating clinically serious mental-health problems, is a growing movement. Singing causes endorphins to flow, stimulating good feeling throughout the body and stimulating brain activity.

Beth Lawrence, performing arts trainer at The Studio at Harvest Lane in Midway, Utah , believes that singing can be a literal lifesaver when it comes to the effects of a hectic life style, or in cases of chronic depression. “Innately, we all love to sing. As babies, it was our earliest form of communication. I've seen people's lives dramatically change when they express themselves in song. It's really powerful.” says Beth. At her studio in Midway, Beth also works with Parkinson's patients who often experience vocal challenges, and notes, “With any chronic condition there tends to be depression; and with voice and singing therapy, my Parkinson's patients not only have fun, but also overcome their communication problems. Patients leave each session in a great mood, and just love what singing does for them on so many levels!”

So, the next time you're feeling that it's time for that mid-afternoon nap, remember that singing encourages deep breathing, which brings more oxygen to the brain, and can be a healthy alternative to a potentially unhealthy caffeinated drink. Do something good for yourself! Singing is fun, beneficial to health and heart, and doesn't cost a penny! Here's some good advice: sing more, stress less!

Beth Lawrence has developed The Lawrence Vocal System; a holistic approach to voice coaching and therapy honoring the connection of body, mind and spirit. Beth is the CEO of Viva La Voice!, a company offering private coaching, classes/workshops in the performing arts, and music camps for women. To learn more:

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